Empowering Women In a Unique Way

Study of Women’s Right and Law

Women Empowerment is perhaps the most talked about word today and almost every individual, organization, educational institution and the governments keep mentioning it every now and then reflecting their concern on this significant issue. It is however pertinent to mention here a majority of the educational institutions confine themselves to paying only lip service to the cause of the women in India. There is very little they do in real terms. Here is where we find the Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University standing in a different league.

Nestled amid the rural landscape, not very far from the historical city of Jaipur, the capital of the northern Indian state of Rajasthan, the University proudly dedicate itself to the causes and issues confronting the women in the country.

While it is natural for the University to run different courses aimed at churning out confident, self-reliant, positive thinking, creative and skilled women from its sprawling campus, JVWU stands apart from the others of its ilk by making study of Women’s Right & Law mandatory for all its students irrespective of the courses being pursued by them. While in most other institutions of higher education, including those for the women only, the rights and laws for the women are part of their syllabus for Law courses only, at JVWU it is for everyone. 

Study of Women’s Right and Law is essential, not only for those, who pursue graduation and masters degree in Law but also for every woman if she has to play an effective role in the progress of the society and the nation. It enables the women to not only know about the prevalent laws that affect them but also helps them understand the shortcomings, if any, in them. For any woman, irrespective of the field she is engaged in, the knowledge about the rights and the law specifically made for the women helps her tackle the problems and get remedies more quickly and effectively.

The content of the subject is quite exhaustive and is keeping in tune with the needs and aspirations of the women of today. Hence while it covers the constitutional provisions for the women and the provisions in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) , it also has issues concerning domestic violence, dowry, marriage, divorce, adoption, maintenance etc.

Empowering the women also means equipping her with the knowledge about their legal and constitutional rights. Unless the women know what their rights are and what laws are there for them that offer them protection in times of need, their empowerment will remain a distant dream. 

The founders of Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University were prudent enough to foresee the needs and aspirations of the women in the country and provided them the right platform to make a mark for themselves in whatever field they chose to work.



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